Getting Started with Vertex e-Invoicing

Learn how to use Vertex e-Invoicing to upload invoices for submission to tax authorities and transmission to buyers.


Vertex e-Invoicing helps you to simplify VAT compliance globally, providing a single, scalable solution for managing real-time reporting and the creation, exchange, and clearance of e-invoices. By connecting with source financial systems, e-Invoicing streamlines electronic invoicing processes, helping to increase efficiency and reduce compliance risk.

The Vertex e-Invoicing REST API enables you to upload e-invoices and other Documents for processing according to the country mandate, including, submission to Tax Authorities and, in some countries, delivery to other parties like Buyers.

Documents is the collective term for the e-invoices and credit notes that you send to the service. For an overview of this and other terms, see the Glossary.

Vertex Universal Standard (VRBL)

Vertex Universal Standard (VRBL) is the name of the format that you must use to submit Documents. See the VRBL User Guide Overview.




Vertex Community is a resource for Knowledge Articles, Training, Customer Forum, and Customer Support. Accessing Vertex Community requires login credentials. You can request login credentials on the Community, but you will need your company's account number. If you do not know your account number, contact your company's administrator or [email protected].


  • Some countries require specific elements and values. These are documented in the section for that country. For an example, see Malaysia: Overview.
  • B2C is not supported.
  • Some countries support B2B and B2G. Some only support B2G. See Supported Countries for details.

Component overview

The following graphic shows the components:

Components Overview

Components Overview

Vertex e-Invoicing consists of the following components:

  • REST API: This is used to integrate the service with your applications. See Using the Vertex e-Invoicing API.
  • Vertex e-Invoicing: The component that creates the invoice and submits it to the Tax Authority.
  • Documents: Documents is the collective term for the e-invoices, credit notes, and other types that are sent to the Tax Authority electronically. See Document Modeling.
  • Senders: Senders are parties who send Documents to Vertex e-Invoicing. These can originate from Suppliers or from the Vertex e-Invoicing customer's applications.
  • Recipients: The party that receives a Document that is sent from Vertex e-Invoicing is known as a recipient. The following parties can be recipients:
    • Tax Authority: The Tax Authority is the legal body responsible for collecting the e-invoices. They are the only recipient for most countries.
    • Other Recipients: In some countries, other parties with compatible systems, such as Buyers, can receive Documents, so you can send to these in specific circumstances.

API overview

An overview of the API is provided in the Using the Vertex e-Invoicing API topic.

Process flows

The process flows are divided into the following:

  • Outbound: Documents sent from your application to a Tax Authority or other recipient.
  • Inbound: Documents sent to your applications from a sender.

Outbound process flow

The following diagram shows an example outbound process flow. In this example, the e-invoices are sent using VRBL to a Tax Authority. Your implementation might differ due to your requirements:

Process Flow

Outbound Process Flow

The steps are:

  1. Invoice is sent as VRBL Document. A Send Document request is sent to Vertex e-Invoicing.
  2. Vertex e-Invoicing sends a success message and GUID to the user.
  3. The user wants to retrieve the status. They send a Get Document Status request, specifying the same GUID as was returned in the previous step.
  4. Vertex e-Invoicing retrieves the status and returns it in the response to the request.
  5. The user receives the status.
  6. When the Document is ready (validated and transformed as per specific country mandate), the service sends it to the Tax Authority or other recipient per the configuration.
  7. The Tax Authority accepts the Document and sends a reply to the service. Finalized XML, PDF, and signature files (if applicable) are available in the service's Dashboard after this step is complete.
  8. The user checks the status again as they did in step 3, using another Get Document Status request.
  9. The user receives the status from Vertex e-Invoicing in the response to the Get Document Status request.

Inbound process flow

The following diagram shows an inbound process flow. In this example, the e-invoice is sent from a suppler to your applications.

Inbound Process Flow

Inbound Process Flow

The steps are:

  1. Supplier sends a B2B e-invoice to the Vertex e-Invoicing customer's applications.
  2. Invoice is sent as VRBL Document. A Send Document request is sent to Vertex e-Invoicing.
  3. Vertex e-Invoicing sends a success message and GUID to the user.
  4. The user wants to retrieve the status. They send a Get Document Status request, specifying the same GUID as was returned in the previous step.
  5. Vertex e-Invoicing retrieves the status and returns it in the response to the request.
  6. The user receives the status.
  7. The user checks the status again as they did in step 3, using another Get Document Status request.
  8. The user receives the status from Vertex e-Invoicing in the response to the Get Document Status request.


To integrate the service, complete the following steps:

  1. Retrieve your access token. See API Authentication and Access.
  2. Integrate the requests into your environment. See Using the Vertex e-Invoicing API.
  3. Use the Send Document request to send some sample files. You can get samples from the Example Files topic.
  4. Test your integration.

In this section

API Authentication and AccessYou use an access token to authenticate requests. Before you do, you must ensure that you have the correct user credentials to retrieve the token.
Supported CountriesRead about the supported countries and regions.
GlossaryRead about terms that are used frequently in this documentation.
Copyright NoticeRead this copyright notice.