Greece: Supplier Information

Greece requires specific information for Greek suppliers

You must specify the following information:

  • Electronic address: You specify the supplier's TIN in the ÈndpointID element. This is the electronic address to which the application-level response to the invoice may be delivered. Greek suppliers who use PEPPOL must specify their TIN.
  • Supplier's Name: You specify the supplier's full name in the PartyName/Name element.
  • Supplier's Tax Scheme: You specify VAT as the Tax Scheme that the supplier belongs to in the PartyTaxScheme element.

Use the AccountingSupplierParty element to model this information.


Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/EndpointIDSpecify the TIN of the Greek Supplier.
Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/EndpointID[@schemeID]Use 9933.
Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyName/NameSpecify the Greek supplier's name.
Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyTaxScheme/CompanyIDSpecify the TIN, prefixed by EL. For example EL123456789.
Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyTaxScheme/TaxScheme/IDSpecify VAT.


  • Greek suppliers that send an invoice through the PEPPOL network must use a correct TIN in the EndpointID element.
  • You must use 9933 as the value for the @schemeID attribute.
  • Greek suppliers must provide their full name as it appears in the Greek Business Registry (G.E.MH.) as a legal entity or in the Tax Registry as a natural person.
  • The TIN used in the EndpointID and CompanyiD elements must begin with EL and use a valid TIN.


    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
			<cbc:EndpointID schemeID="9933">EL123456789</cbc:EndpointID>
		<!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
		<!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
	<!-- Code omitted for clarity -->