Romania: Character Restrictions
Read about the character limits and other restrictions that are unique to Romania.
Element | Description |
AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PostalAddress/PostalZone | Post code is limited to 20. |
AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PostalAddress/CityName | 50 |
AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PostalAddress/AdditionalStreetName | 100 |
AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PostalAddress/AddressLine/Line | 100 |
AccountingSupplierParty/Party/Contact/Name | 100 |
AccountingSupplierParty/Party/Party/Contact/Telephone | 100 |
AccountingSupplierParty/Party/Contact/ElectronicMail | 100 |
AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyLegalEntity/CompanyLegalForm | 1000 |
Element | Description |
AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PostalAddress/PostalZone | Post code is limited to 20. |
AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PostalAddress/CityName | 50 |
AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PostalAddress/AdditionalStreetName | 100 |
AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PostalAddress/AddressLine/Line | 100 |
AccountingCustomerParty/Party/Contact/Name | 100 |
AccountingCustomerParty/Party/Party/Contact/Telephone | 100 |
AccountingCustomerParty/Party/Party/Contact/ElectronicMail | 100 |
AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyLegalEntity/RegistrationName | 200 |
AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyName/Name | 200 |
Field | Description |
Invoice/TaxTotal/<TaxAmount@currencyID><TaxAmount> | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
Invoice/InvoiceLine/TaxTotal/<TaxAmount @currencyID> <TaxAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
Invoice/InvoiceLine/TaxTotal/<TaxAmount @currencyID><TaxAmount>/TaxCurrencyCode | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
The following restrictions are present in the Party Object element:
Path | Description |
PostalAddress/PostalZone | Post code is limited to 20. |
PostalAddress/CityName | 50 |
PostalAddress/AdditionalStreetName | 100 |
PostalAddress/AddressLine/Line | 100 |
Contact/Name | 100 |
Party/Contact/Telephone | 100 |
Party/Contact/ElectronicMail | 100 |
Element | Limit |
PayeeParty/PartyName/Name | 200 |
Element | Description |
DeliveryParty/PartyName/Name | 200 |
DeliveryLocation/Address/StreetName | 150 |
DeliveryLocation/Address/AdditionalStreetName | 100 |
DeliveryLocation/Address/AddressLine/Line | 100 |
Element | Description |
PaymentMeans/PayeeFinancialAccount/:Name | 200 |
PaymentMeans/CardAccount/HolderName | 200 |
PaymentMeans/<PaymentMeansCode @name> | 100 |
PaymentMeans/PaymentID | 140 |
Element | Description |
PaymentTerms/Note | 300 |
Element | Description |
AllowanceCharge/Amount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
AllowanceCharge/BaseAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
cac:AllowanceCharge/AllowanceChargeReasonCode | 100 |
AllowanceCharge[cbc:ChargeIndicator = true()]/Amount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
AllowanceCharge[cbc:ChargeIndicator = true()]/BaseAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
AllowanceCharge[cbc:ChargeIndicator = true()]/AllowanceChargeReasonCode | 100 |
Element | Description |
TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxableAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
Element | Description |
TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxableAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
Element | Description |
LegalMonetaryTotal/LineExtensionAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
LegalMonetaryTotal/AllowanceTotalAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
LegalMonetaryTotal/ChargeTotalAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
LegalMonetaryTotal/TaxExclusiveAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
LegalMonetaryTotal/TaxInclusiveAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
LegalMonetaryTotal/PrepaidAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
LegalMonetaryTotal/PayableRoundingAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
LegalMonetaryTotal/PayableAmount | Only 2 decimal places are allowed. |
Element | Description |
InvoiceLine/Item/Name | 100 |
InvoiceLine/AccountingCost | 100 |
InvoiceLine/Item/Description | 200 |
InvoiceLine/Note | 300 |
InvoiceLine/Item/AdditionalItemProperty | 50 is the maximum number of characters for the Item attribute name. |
InvoiceLine/Item/AdditionalItemProperty | 50 is the maximum number of characters for the Item attribute value. |
Element | Description |
InvoicePeriod/DescriptionCode | Must use UNTDID 2005. |
Updated 6 months ago