Malaysia: Required Elements
Read about the elements for Malaysian e-invoices and credit notes.
You can see generally required elements in the Mandatory Elements topics. The elements listed here are required for Malaysia.
Remember, these elements are used for all Documents. that is both credit, debit, and refund notes as well as e-invoices.
Extensions / UBL Extensions
Extensions are required for all countries as explained in more detail in the Extensions section.
The Invoice element requires the following sub-elements. The sub-elements also have required sub-elements of their own:
Element | Description |
Invoice/CustomizationID | You must specify a CustomizationID. |
Invoice/ProfileID | You must specify a ProfileID. |
Invoice/ID | You must specify an ID for the document. |
Invoice/IssueDate | You must specify an IssueDate for the document. |
Invoice/InvoiceTypeCode | Malaysia requires specific Invoice Type Codes as described in the Malaysia: Invoice Type Code (Mandatory) topic. |
Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty | You must specify the Customer's details in the AccountingCustomerParty element. |
Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty | You must specify the Supplier's details in the AccountingSupplierParty element. |
Invoice/TaxTotal | You must specify the total tax in the TaxTotal element. |
Invoice/LegalMonetaryTotal | You must specify the legal total in the LegalMonetaryTotal element. |
Invoice/InvoiceLine | You must specify the document's line items in the InvoiceLine element. |
The following sub-elements of the InvoiceLine element are required:
Element | Description |
InvoiceLine/CustomizationID | You must specify urn:vertexinc:verbl:billing:1.0 as the value for the CustomizationID element. |
InvoiceLine/ProfileID | You must specify urn:vertexinc:verbl:billing:1.0 as the value for the ProfileID element. |
InvoiceLine/ID | You must specify an ID for the line. |
InvoiceLine/IssueDate | You must specify the date the line was issued in the IssueDate element. |
InvoiceLine/[InvoiceTypeCode | You must use specific Invoice Type Codes as described in the Malaysia: Invoice Type Code (Mandatory) topic. |
InvoiceLine/DocumentCurrencyCode | You must specify a currency for the line item in the DocumentCurrencyCode element. |
The following sub-element of the OrderReference element is mandatory:
Element | Description |
OrderReference/ID | You must specify the order ID using the ID element. |
The following elements, if used, require an ID to be present:
- AdditionalDocumentReference
- OrderReference
- InvoiceDocumentReference
- DespatchDocumentReference
- ReceiptDocumentReference
- OriginatorDocumentReference
- ContractDocumentReferences
- ProjectReference
If the DocumentTypeCode sub-element is 130, then an ID is mandatory.
You are also required to specify the following attributes when the /Attachment/EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject
is present:
Attribute | Description |
@filename | Specify a name for the file. |
@mimecode | Specify a MIME code. |
If the Attachment/ExternalReference
element is present, you must specify the following sub-element:
Element | Description |
Attachment/ExternalReference/URI | Specify the URI of the reference's location. |
The following sub-elements are required for the AccountingSupplierParty element:
Element | Description |
Party | You must use the Party element to define the Supplier's contact information. |
Party/EndpointID | An EndpointID is required. The @Scheme attribute is also required. |
Party/PostalAddress | The Supplier's postal address is required. |
If PartyTaxScheme/ID = 'VAT' is present | The LegalEntity element is required. |
If PartyTaxScheme/ID = 'VAT' is present | The CompanyID and TaxScheme elements are required. |
If Party/LegalPartyEntity is present | The RegistrationName element is required. |
If the Party/LegalPartyEntity/RegistrationName/CompanyID element is present | The @schemeID attribute is required. |
PartyTaxScheme/CompanyID | If you want to facilitate automatic detection of the Supplier by the Buyer, then you need to specify the CompanyID element. |
if PartyIdentification[ID/@schemeID != 'SEPA'] is present | You must specify an ID. |
Party/PostalAddress/Country | You must specify the Supplier's Country's code. |
If PostalAddress/AddressLine is present | You must specify a single Line. |
The AccountingCustomerParty element requires the following sub-elements:
Element | Description |
Party | You must use the Party element to define the Customer's contact information. |
Party/EndpointID | An Endpoint ID is required. The @Scheme attribute is also required. |
Party/PostalAddress | The Customer's postal address is required. |
If the PartyTaxScheme is present | The LegalEntity element is required. |
Party/PostalAddress/Country | You must specify the Customer's Country's code. |
If PostalAddress/AddressLine is present | You must specify a single Line. |
If PartyTaxScheme is present | You must specify the CompanyID and TaxScheme elements, |
If PartyTaxScheme/TaxScheme is present | You must specify an ID and attribute value for the Tax Scheme, |
if Party/PartyLegalEntity is present | The RegistrationName elements is required. |
If Party/PartyLegalEntity/CompanyID is present | The CompanyID element also requires an attribute value. |
The PayeeParty element requires the following sub-elements:
Element | Description |
PayeeParty/PartyName | You must specify a Party Name. |
If the PayeeParty/PartyIdentification element is present | The ID element is required. |
If the PayeeParty/PartyIdentification/ID is present | The @schemeID attribute is required. |
If the PayeeParty/PartyLegalEntity element is present | The CompanyID element is required. The @schemeID attribute is also required. |
The TaxRepresentativeParty element requires the following sub-elements:
Element | Description |
TaxRepresentativeParty/PartyName | You must specify a Party Name. |
TaxRepresentativeParty/PostalAddress | You must specify a Postal Address. |
TaxRepresentativeParty/PartyTaxScheme | You must specify a Tax Scheme. See Tax Schemes. |
TaxRepresentativeParty/PostalAddress/Country | You must specify a country. |
If PartyTaxScheme is present | You must specify the CompanyID and TaxScheme . |
If PartyTaxScheme/TaxScheme is present | You must specify an ID and attribute value for the Tax Scheme. |
The Delivery element requires the following sub-elements:
Element | Description |
Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/Country | You must specify a country. |
If Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/AddressLine is present | You must specify a Line. |
If Delivery/DeliveryParty is present | The PartyName element is required. |
If Delivery/DeliveryParty/PartyTaxScheme is present | You must specify the CompanyID and TaxScheme . |
The PaymentMeans element requires the following sub-elements:
Element | Description |
PaymentMeans/PaymentMeansCode | You must specify a PaymentMeansCode. See Malaysia: Payment Mode (Optional). |
If the PaymentMeans/CardAccount element is present. | The PrimaryAccountNumberID and NetworkID elements are required. |
If PaymentMeans/PayeeFinancialAccount is present. | The ID element is required. |
If PaymentMeans/PayeeFinancialAccount/FinancialInstitutionBranch is present. | The ID element is required. |
If /PayeeFinancialAccount/FinancialInstitutionBranch/Address/AddressLine is present. | The Line element is required. |
If PaymentMeans/PaymentMandate/PayerFinancialAccount is present | The ID element is required. |
The PaymentTerms element requires the following sub-element:
Element | Description |
If PaymentTerms/cbc:Amount is present | The @CurrencyID attribute is required. |
The PrepaidPayments element requires the following sub-element:
Element | Description |
If PrepaidPayment/cbc:PaidAmount is present | The @CurrencyID attribute is required. |
The AllowanceCharge element requires the following sub-elements:
Element | Description |
AllowanceCharge[cbc:ChargeIndicator = true|false()] | You must specify whether the charge is true or false. |
AllowanceCharge[cbc:ChargeIndicator = true|false()]/Amount | You must specify an amount for the charge. The @currencyID attribute is also required. |
AllowanceCharge[cbc:ChargeIndicator = true|false()]/AllowanceChargeReasonCode | You must use an UNCL 5189 code to specify a reason for the allowance. |
If AllowanceCharge[ChargeIndicator = true|false()]/TaxCategory is present | The ID element is required to specify the Tax Category. |
AllowanceCharge[ChargeIndicator = true|false()]/TaxCategory/TaxScheme | You must specify a Tax Scheme. See Tax Schemes. |
If AllowanceCharge[ChargeIndicator = true|false()]/TaxCategory/TaxScheme is present | The ID element is required. |
The TaxTotal element requires the following sub-elements:
Element | Description |
TaxAmount/Amount | You must specify an amount. The @currencyID attribute is also required. |
TaxAmount/TaxSubtotal | At lease one of this element is required. |
TaxAmount/TaxSubtotal/TaxableAmount | You must specify a taxable amount for the subtotal. The @currencyID attribute is also required. |
TaxAmount/TaxSubtotal/TaxAmount | You must specify a tax amount for the subtotal. The @currencyID attribute is also required. |
TaxAmount/TaxSubtotal/TaxCategory | You must specify a Tax Category for the subtotal. |
TaxAmount/TaxSubtotal/TaxCategory/ID | You must specify an ID for the Tax Category. |
TaxAmount/TaxSubtotal/TaxCategory/TaxScheme | You must specify a Tax Scheme for the Tax Category. |
TaxAmount/TaxSubtotal/TaxCategory/TaxScheme/ID | You must specify an ID for the Tax Scheme. |
The LegalMonetaryTotal element requires the following sub-elements:
Element | Description |
LegalMonetaryTotal/LineExtensionAmount | You must specify an amount for the line extension. The @currencyID attribute is also required. |
LegalMonetaryTotal/TaxExclusiveAmount | You must specify the amount excluding tax. The @currencyID attribute is also required. |
LegalMonetaryTotal/TaxInclusiveAmount | You must specify the amount including tax. The @currencyID attribute is also required. |
LegalMonetaryTotal/PayableAmount | You must specify the amount payable. The @currencyID attribute is also required. |
Updated 2 months ago