Table of Contents
Get an overview of all the topics in this Guide.
The content is divided into the following sections:
- Getting Started: Topics to help get you started
- API User Guide: A guide to using the Vertex e-Invoicing API
- VRBL User Guide: A guide for using VRBL
- VRBL Reference Guide: A reference for all the components of VRBL, such as Extensions
Getting Started
Getting started with Vertex e-Invoicing
Topic | Description |
API Authentication and Access | You use an access token to authenticate requests. Before you do, you must ensure that you have the correct user credentials to retrieve the token. |
Supported Countries | Read about the supported countries and regions. |
Glossary | Read about terms that are used frequently in this documentation. |
Copyright Notice | Read this copyright notice. |
API User Guide
Using the Vertex e-Invoicing API
Topic | Description |
Using the Vertex e-Invoicing API | The overview for this section. |
Error Handling | Information about error and status messages. |
Send Document | The request that you use to send Documents to the service. |
Correlation IDs | These help identify Documents for bug fixing and so on. |
Get Document Status | This request can be used to poll the processing status for a specified GUID. |
API Reference Guide | Lists all the components of the API. |
API Reference Guide
Topic | Description |
Send Document | The request you use to send Documents to the service. |
Idempotency Key | To prevent submitting duplicate copies of the invoice, supply a key parameter. |
Get Document Status | The request you use to retrieve the status of the processing. |
Document Workflow Status | The messages sent back by the Get Document Status request. |
Get Documents from the Invoice Queue | Use this request to retrieve documents to be integrated into your processing system. |
Get Additional Document Data | Use this request to retrieve additional raw data related to the invoice. |
Mark Documents as Integrated | Use this request to mark documents as integrated. |
VRBL User Guide
Modeling Documents
Topic | Description |
Basic Concepts | An introduction to VRBL. |
Document Modeling | This section contains introductory topics for high-level topics like Currencies. |
VRBL: Modeling Overview | This section contains topics that explain each element of an example VRBL Document. |
PEPPOL: Modeling Overview | Get an overview of the basics of PEPPOL. |
EN-16931: Modeling Overview | Get an overview of EN-16931's requirements. |
VRBL Overview
Topic | Description |
Basic Concepts | Overview topic for this section. |
Rules, Schematrons and Receivers | Get an overview of the components that help process Documents. |
Extensions | Get an overview of Extensions. |
Example Documents | Read the example Documents for each country. |
Mandatory Elements | Read the elements that are mandatory in most countries. |
Standard Values | Get an overview of standard values. |
Attributes | Attributes are used to classify the values in elements. |
Routing Overview
Topic | Description |
Routing Overview | Overview for this section. Routing describes the process of delivering a Document to the intended destination, based on a set of variables. |
Inbound and Outbound Communications | Communications can be sent to the service or sent from it to other parties. |
Recipients | Read about how to configure the parties who receive Documents. |
Networks | You can use different networks to send Documents to recipients |
Formats | Read about the formats that you can use. |
Receiver IDs | Use the Receiver ID to specify the system that receives the Documents. |
Receiver Details | In certain use cases, you need to add some details about the recipient. |
Endpoint IDs | Endpoint IDs are used to identify e-invoicing systems such as buyers. |
Sender ID | You must specify the Sender ID. |
Specification IDs | You must include a Specification ID. |
Business Process Types | The Business Process Type helps the service process the Document. |
Topic | Description |
Document-Level Elements | Read a list of elements that can be specified at the Document-level. |
Line-Level Elements | Read a list of elements that can be specified at the Line-level. |
Additional Documents
Topic | Description |
Additional Document References | Overview topic for this section. |
Additional Document Reference (URI) | You may want to model references like URLs to other documents. |
Attachments | You can attach additional documents. |
Sales and Order References | You may want to add a reference to an additional document, such as a sales or order refence. |
Preceding Document References | You can specify a reference to a billing related document. |
Dispatch Advice References | You can reference a dispatch advice in your Document. |
Receipt Advice References | You can reference a receipt advice in your Documents. |
Tender or Lot References | You can model a reference to a lot or tender. |
Contract References | You can add a reference to a purchasing contract in your Documents. |
Project References | You can add a reference to a project to your Document. |
Topic | Description |
Tax | Overview topic for this section. |
Tax Amounts | This topic describes how to model amounts of tax. |
Tax Categories and Schemes | Tax Categories and Tax Schemes are used to model information about the tax being paid. |
Tax Exchange Rates | If your Documents use foreign currency exchanges, you can capture this information. |
Tax Exemptions | How to model exemptions. |
Withholding Taxes | How to model withheld taxes. |
Tax Point Dates | You can add Tax Point date to your Documents. |
Parties and Party Identifications
Topic | Description |
Parties and Party Identification | Overview topic for this section. |
Suppliers | You can model information about suppliers. |
Buyers | Read about how to model Buyers. |
Payees | Payees are the parties who receive payments. |
Tax Representatives | You can model Tax Representative information. |
Legal Entities and Representatives | Legal entities and representatives can be modelled for parties. |
Payers | You can model payer's bank account information. |
Business Unit | You can add a reference to your Business Unit to your Documents. |
Company Code | You may want to add your Company Code to Documents for accounting or other purposes. |
Company IDs | Model the IDs that represent companies. |
Prices, Items, and Amounts
Topic | Description |
Prices | How to model the prices of items. |
Amounts | How to model amounts. |
Items | How to model items. |
Item Categorization | How to model item categorization. |
Topic | Description |
Currencies | Read about the various ways you can specify the currency in your Documents. |
Topic | Description |
Payment Means | Payment means are used to pay for the goods or services specified in the invoices or in refunds specified in credit notes. |
Payment Terms | You can model information about the payment terms. |
Prepaid Payments | Prepaid payments are usually made before the goods are purchased. |
Charges | A Charge increases the total of the Document. |
Allowances | Allowances are reductions from the total amount, such as a discount. |
Delivery Information
Topic | Description |
Delivery Information | Delivery information about the delivery location and carrier can be modelled. |
Topic | Description |
Belgium: Overview | Overview of information for this country. |
Belgium: Receivers | The receivers used by this country. |
Belgium: Example Documents | Example e-invoices and credit notes. |
Belgium: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Topic | Description |
Croatia: Overview | Overview for this country. |
Croatia: Receivers | The Receivers used by this country. |
Croatia: Examples | Example Documents. |
Croatia: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Topic | Description |
Denmark: Overview | Overview for this country. |
Denmark: Receivers | The Receivers used by this country. |
Denmark: Examples | Example Documents. |
Denmark: Configurations | Topics describing country-specific configurations. |
Denmark: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Denmark Configurations
Topic | Description |
Denmark: Supplier Identification | Denmark requires that you specify an ID to identify sellers. |
Denmark: Supplier's Legal Entity | If the Supplier is represented by a legal entity, you must specify it. |
Denmark: Buyer Identification | You can specify a Buyer's ID. |
Denmark: Allowances and Charges | You can specify Allowances and Charges at the Document or Line Level. |
Denmark: Payment Means Code | You must specify the Payment Means Code. |
Topic | Description |
Estonia: Overview | Overview for this country. |
Estonia: Receivers | The Receivers used by this country. |
Estonia: Examples | Example Documents. |
Estonia: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Topic | Description |
Finland: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Finland: Receivers | The Receivers used by this country. |
Finland: Examples | Example Documents. |
Finland: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Topic | Description |
France: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
France: Receivers | The Receiver used by this country. |
France: Example | Example Documents. |
France: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Topic | Description |
Germany: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Germany B2B: Overview | Overview for B2B Documents. |
Germany B2G: Overview | Overview for B2G Documents. |
Germany: Required Elements | A list of the elements that are required. |
Germany: Extensions | Extensions used by this country. |
Germany: Standard Values and Attributes | A list of the standard values for elements and attributes. |
Germany: Configuration Overview | The configurations that are specific to Germany. |
Germany Configuration Overview
Topic | Description |
Germany: Configuration Overview | Overview of all topics. |
Germany: Third Party Payments | You can specify information about third parties in German documents. |
Germany: Invoice Type Codes | If a supplier is German, you must use one of the Invoice Type Codes listed here. |
Germany: German Buyer Reference (Leitweg-ID) | You must specify the Leitweg-ID for German Buyers in B2G Documents, |
Germany: Additional Documents | If you attach a document using the AdditionalDocumentReference element, you must specify an ID. |
Germany: Supplier Electronic Address | You can specify an electronic address for a Supplier. |
Germany: Supplier Postal Address | You must specify a Supplier's address in Germany. |
Germany: Buyer Information | You must specify the Buyer's information for German buyers. |
Germany: Delivery Information | For German Buyers, the delivery information must include a city name and valid German post code. |
Germany: Payment Means Code | You must specify the Payment Means for German Documents. |
Germany: Payment Card | If you specify one of the Payment Card codes (48, 54, or 55) as the Payment Means, you must specify the card information. |
Germany: Credit Transfer | If you specify Credit Transfer as the Payment Means, you must specify the Payee's bank account. |
Germany: Direct Debits | If you specify 59 for Direct Debit as the Payment Means, you must specify an ID for the Payment Mandate and Payer's bank account. |
Germany: Sub-Invoice Lines | These lines are a group of recursive information elements that contains information about individual subordinate invoice line items. |
Germany: Corrected Invoices | If you specify code 384 for a corrected invoice as the Invoice Type, you must specify an ID for the referenced document. |
Germany: German Payees | If you specify code 58 for SEPA as the Payment Means and the Payee is a German account, you must specify a valid IBAN as the account's ID. |
Germany: German Payers | If you specify code 59 for SEPA as the Payment Means and the Payer is a German account, you must specify a valid IBAN as the account's ID. |
Topic | Description |
Greece: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Greece: Receivers | Read about the Receiver used by this country. |
Greece: Examples | Example Documents. |
Greece: Extensions | The Extensions for this country. |
Greece: Standard Values | The standard values for this country. |
Greece: Configurations | Configuration topics. |
Greece: Rules | The Rules used by this country. |
Greece Configuration Overview
Topic | Description |
Greece: Configuration Overview | Overview of the configuration topics for this country. |
Greece: Invoice Number Patterns | Greece requires that the invoice numbers that you use follow a specific pattern. |
Greece: Installation Serial Number | Greece requires that you include the installation serial number in your documents. |
Greece: Invoice Sub Type Code | You must specify the type of invoice in Greece with the specified codes. |
Greece: Invoice Series | In Greece, you must specify the Invoice Series value. |
Greece: Additional Document Reference | You must specify the MARK number for Greek Suppliers. |
Greece: Supplier Information | Greece requires specific information for Greek Suppliers. |
Greece: Buyer Information | You must include specific information for Greek Buyers. |
Topic | Description |
Italy: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Italy: Receivers | The Receiver used by this country. |
Italy: Example Documents | Example Documents. |
Italy: Extensions | Extensions used by this country. |
Italy: Standard Values and Attributes | A list of the standard values for elements and attributes. |
Italy: Element Hierarchy Examples | Example hierarchies for different types of Documents. |
Italy: Configuration Overview | Read about the configuration for this country. |
Italy: Rules | The Rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Italy Configuration Overview
Topic | Description |
Italy: General Configuration | General configuration topics for routing details, invoice types, and other topics. |
Italy: Supplier Configurations | Configuration for Suppliers. |
Italy: Buyer Configuration | Configurations for Buyers. |
Italy: Additional Document Configuration | Configurations for attached and referenced Documents. |
Italy: Social Security and Public Entity Configurations | Configurations for social security and public entities such as public investment funds. |
Italy: Tax Configuration | Tax configuration topics. |
Italy: Delivery and Transport Configurations | How to model information relating to delivery and the transport industry. |
Italy: Payment and Price Configurations | How to model payment and pricing information, including allowances. |
General Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Transmission Format Code | You need specify a dedicated code to represent the transaction format code. |
Italy: Sdi Receiver Code | You must specify an SDI Receiver code. |
Italy: Invoice Type Codes | You must use the codes specified by the Italian Tax Authority to identify the type of invoice. |
Italy: Accounting Reference | You can specify a code or text to identify the supplier for administrative accounting purposes. |
Italy: Data Type | If you specify N3.5 (dichiarazioni d'intento) as the DataType, you must add the DataType element. |
Supplier Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details | You can specify supplier data such as a name or address. |
Italy: Supplier's EORI Number | You can include the Supplier's EORI number. |
Italy: Supplier's Fiscal Code | You can specify an Italian Supplier's Fiscal Code. |
Italy: Supplier's Tax System Code | You must specify the Supplier's Tax System Code. |
Italy: Province for Supplier's Business | You can specify the State or Province for Italian Supplier's business. |
Italy: Supplier's Base Capital | You can specify the Supplier's registered base capital. |
Italy: Supplier's Business Registration Number | You can specify an Italian Supplier's REA number. |
Italy: Supplier Sole Proprietor | You can indicate whether an Italian Supplier is a sole proprietor. |
Italy: Supplier's Liquidation Status | You can indicate a Supplier's liquidation status. |
Italy: Supplier Natural Person | If the Supplier is a person rather than a legal entity like a business, you must specify the person's details. |
Italy: Supplier's Permanent Italian Establishment | You can specify the permanent address of a supplier who is not resident in Italy. |
Italy: Supplier's Tax Representative's EORI Number | If the Supplier's Tax Representative has an EORI number, you can specify it. |
Italy: Supplier's Tax Representative's Fiscal Code | If an Italian Supplier's Italian Tax Representative has a fiscal code, you can specify it. |
Italy: Supplier's Tax Representative Natural Person | If an Italian Supplier's Tax Representative is a person, you must specify their first and last names. |
Italy: Supplier's Province or State | You can specify an Italian supplier's province or state code. |
Buyer Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Buyer's EORI Code | You can include the Buyer's EORI number. |
Italy: Buyer's Fiscal Code | You must specify a Buyers Fiscal code if you do not specify a VAT number for them. |
Italy: Buyer's Postal Address | You can specify a Buyer's state or province. |
Italy: Buyer Natural Person | If the Buyer is a person rather than a legal entity like a business, you must specify the person's details. |
Italy: Buyer's Permanent Italian Establishment | You can specify the permanent address of a buyer who is not resident in Italy. |
Italy: Buyer's Tax Representative | If the Buyer has a Tax Representative and they must be present on the Document, you must specify the details. |
Italy: NSO Reference for Buyers | If you want, you can specify an Nodo Smistamento Ordini (NSO) reference for a buyer. |
Italy: Buyer Accounting Reference | You can specify a reference to the Buyer's financial accounts. |
Additional Document Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Agreement Number | You can specify the framework agreement number. |
Italy: Document Reference | If a Document references multiple other Documents, you can reference these on the invoice line level. |
Italy: Attachments | You can use these elements to attach files. |
Italy: Invoice Reference Number | When you send an adjustment e-invoice or a credit note, you must reference the previous invoice. |
Italy: Tender or Lot Reference | You can specify a reference to a tender or lot. |
Italy: Progress Stage Reference Number | You can specify a reference to the state or stage of progression to which this Document refers. |
Social Security Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Article 73 Indicator | If Article 73 applies, you can indicate it. |
Italy: Digital Stamps | If you want, you can indicate if a digital stamp is present. |
Italy: Project Reference | You can specify a code to represent public investment funds. |
Italy: Social Security Base Amount | If a social security allowance exists, you can specify the base amount. |
Italy: Social Security Administration Reference | You can specify the Administration Reference for social security related allowances. |
Italy: Social Security Withholding Indicator | You can specify if a social security allowance is subject to withholding. |
Italy: Social Security Tax Exemption Reason | If a tax exemption exists for a social security allowance, you must specify the reason for the exemption. |
Italy: Social Security Tax Rate | If a social security allowance exists, you must specify the tax rate. |
Italy: Social Security Contribution Amount | If a social security allowance includes a contribution, you must specify the amount of the contribution. |
Italy: Social Security Contribution Percentage | If a social security allowance includes a percentage contribution to a fund, you must specify the percentage. |
Italy: Social Security Charge Code | If a social security allowance charge applies, you must specify VRBL:IT:ZZZ as the reason code. |
Italy: Social Security Organization Code | When social security charges are applied, you must specify the Social Security Organization's code. |
Tax Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Incidental Costs | If incidental costs related to the tax rate exist, you can specify them. |
Italy: Withholding Tax Type Code | If tax is withheld, you must specify the details. |
Italy: VAT Mechanism | You can specify the mechanism of payment for VAT. |
Italy: Tax Exemption Reason | You can specify a free text description for a tax exemption. |
Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code | If no tax is applied, you must specify a reason. |
Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code (Invoice Lines) | You can specify Tax Exemption Reason Code on the invoice line level. |
Delivery Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Vehicle Details | You can specify details about vehicle registration and the distance covered. |
Italy: Transport Invoice Reference | You can specify a reference to an invoice related to transportation. |
Italy: Delivery Location | You can specify the address that goods are sent to. |
Italy: Carrier's EORI Code | You can specify the Carrier's EORI code. |
Italy: Carrier's Driver's License ID | You can specify the Carrier's driving license. |
Italy: Carrier's Fiscal Code | You can specify the Carrier's Fiscal code. |
Payment and Price Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Payee Data | You can specify the details of the person who confirms a payment in Italy. |
Italy: Payment Terms Code | You must specify the Payment Terms code. |
Italy: Penalty Start Date | You can specify the start date for any penalties. |
Italy: Early Payment End Date | You can specify the end date for early payment discounts. |
Italy: Payment Terms Start Date | You can specify the start date of any payment terms. |
Italy: Payment Reason Code | If a Document contains a payment, you must specify a reason code. |
Italy: Rounding Amount | If you use Rounding, you must specify it. |
Italy: Transfer or Service Type Code | If a a discount, bonus, rebate, or an incidental expense applies, you must specify a transfer or service type code. |
Italy: Unit Price Allowance | You can specify an allowance that is applied to the unit price on the line-item level. |
Italy: Item Gross Price | You can specify an item's gross price on each invoice line. |
Topic | Description |
Japan: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Japan: Receiver | Read about the Receiver used by this country. |
Japan: Example Documents | Example Documents. |
Japan: Configurations | Read about the configurations used by this country. |
Japan: Rules | Read about the Rules used by this country. |
Japan Configuration Overview
Topic | Description |
Japan: Configuration Overview | Overview of the configuration topics for this country. |
Japan: Invoice Type Codes | In Japan, you must use one of the allowed invoice type codes to specify the type of document. |
Japan: Tax Accounting Currency | If you specify a currency other than JPY in the DocumentCurrencyCode element, you must specify JPY in the TaxCurrencyCode element. |
Japan: Invoice Document Reference | For Japanese correction invoices, you must specify the preceding invoice number and issue date. |
Japan: Supplier's Tax Scheme | Depending on the type of invoice, you are required to include or exclude the S. |
Japan: Allowances and Charges (Document Level) | In Japan, you must include tax details that relate to allowances and charges. |
Japan: Tax Amounts | Japan has certain requirements for how tax amounts are modelled. |
Japan: Tax Category | In Japan, you must include certain Tax Category information. |
Japan: Invoiced Quantity for Returns | In Japan, returns must have a negative value for the invoice quantity. |
Japan: Invoice Line Net Amount for Returns | For Japanese returns, you must specify a negative amount for the InvoiceLineExtension element. |
Japan: Line Level Tax Information | In Japan, you must specify certain tax information for each InvoiceLine element. |
Japan: Item Names for Summary Invoices | For summary invoices, you may need to include the delivery note number. |
Japan: Line Level Document Reference | For summary invoices, you can specify the delivery note number. |
Topic | Description |
Lithuania: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Lithuania: Receiver | The Receiver used by this country. |
Lithuania: Examples | A list of the elements that are required. |
Lithuania: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Topic | Description |
Malaysia: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Malaysia: Receiver | The Receiver used for this country. |
Malaysia: Example Files | Example Documents. |
Malaysia: Required Elements | A list of the elements that are required. |
Malaysia: Restrictions | A list of elements that are restricted, for example, character limits. |
Malaysia: Standard Values and Attributes | A list of the standard values for elements and attributes. |
Malaysia: Element Hierarchy | Example hierarchies of elements for this country. |
Malaysia: Configuration Overview | The country-specific configurations for Malaysia. |
Malaysia: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Malaysia: Configuration Overview
Topic | Description |
Malaysia: Configuration Overview | Overview of the different configuration topics for Malaysia. |
Malaysia: General Configuration | Topics that are relevant for general configuration of things like the Invoice Type Codes, TTN IDs, Incoterms for deliveries and so on |
Malaysia: Supplier Configuration | Supplier configurations. |
Malaysia: Additional Document Configuration | Information about modelling additional documents for Malaysia. |
Malaysia: Tax Configuration | Information about modelling modelling tax for Malaysia. |
Malaysia: General Configuration
Topic | Description |
Malaysia: General Configuration | Topics covering general configuration for Malaysia. |
Malaysia: Original e-Invoice Reference | If your e-invoice or credit note references an original e-invoice, Malaysia requires that you reference the original invoice in any credit, debit, or refund note. |
Malaysia: Invoice Type Code | You must provide an Invoice Type code in Malaysia. |
Malaysia: States | Malaysia requires that you include the code for the State for addresses within the country. |
Malaysia: Product Categorization | Malaysia has specific requirement for how you categorize products. |
Malaysia: Business Registration Number (BRN) | You must use a BRN for any Malaysian business specified in the e-invoice or credit note. |
Malaysia: Incoterm | Incoterms are required for applicable Malaysian Documents. |
Malaysia: Payment Means | If you want, you can specify the means of payment, such as a credit card. |
Malaysia: Supplier Configuration
Topic | Description |
Malaysia: Supplier Configuration | Overview of Supplier related configurations. |
Malaysia: Supplier's Billing Reference Number | You may want to specify a Supplier's internal reference number. |
Malaysia: Supplier's CertEX Authorization Number | An Authorization Number for Certified Exporter (CertEX) indicates that the supplier is an certified exporter in Malaysia. |
Malaysia: Supplier's Standard Industrial Classification Code (MSIC) | You musty specify an industrial classification code and descriptions for goods on Malaysian invoices. |
Malaysia: Supplier's Phone Number | You must add the Supplier's phone number to your Malaysian Documents. |
Malaysia: Additional Document Configuration
Topic | Description |
Malaysia: Additional Document Configuration | Overview of configurations for additional documents. |
Malaysia: Customs Form Reference Number | You are required to reference any Custom's Forms in applicable Documents. |
Malaysia: K2 Forms | If applicable, you are required to specify the Customs Form No.2 (K2) number. |
Malaysia: Free Trade Agreement (FTA) | If applicable, you must specify any Free Trade Agreement (FTA) information. |
Malaysia: Tax Configuration
Topic | Description |
Malaysia: Tax Configuration | Overview of tax related configurations. |
Malaysia: Tourism Tax Registration Number (TTRN) | The Tourism Tax Registration Number (TTRN) identifies a part as a participant in the Tourism Tax (TT) scheme in Malaysia. |
Malaysia: Sales and Service Tax (SST) Registration Number | The SST number identifies a participant in the Malaysian Sales and Service Tax (SST) scheme. |
Malaysia: Tax Identification Number (TIN) | You must include a TIN in your invoices and credit notes. |
Malaysia: Tax Categories | You must specify Malaysian Tax Category information. |
Malaysia: Tax for Foreign Currency Transactions | If the DocumentCurrencyCode is different from the TaxCurrencyCode, you need to specify the exchange rate. |
Malaysia: Tax Totals (Document) | Read about how to model tax totals at the Document level. |
Malaysia: Tax Totals (Line) | You must add the Tax Amount and the Taxable amount for each line in your Malaysian e-invoices and credit notes. |
Topic | Description |
Netherlands: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Netherlands: Receiver | The Receiver used by this country. |
Netherlands: Examples | Example Documents. |
Netherlands: Standard Values | Standard values used in this country. |
Netherlands: Configuration Overview | Country-specific configurations. |
Netherlands: Rules | The Rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Netherlands: Configuration Overview
Topic | Description |
Netherlands: Configuration Overview | Overview of the configuration topics for this country. |
Netherlands: Invoice Reference | You must reference the preceding invoice in the subsequent credit note. |
Netherlands: Order Line References | Read about how to reference other lines in Dutch Documents. |
Netherlands: Supplier's Postal Address | You must specify the address of Netherlands-based suppliers. |
Netherlands: Supplier's Legal Entity | You must specify the Supplier's legal entity for Dutch Documents. |
Netherlands: Supplier's Tax Representative Postal Address | You must specify the Supplier's Tax Representative's postal address. |
Netherlands: Buyer Postal Address | You must specify the address for Netherlands-based Buyers. |
Netherlands: Buyer's Legal Entity | You must specify the legal entity for Netherlands-based buyers. |
Netherlands: Payment Means | You must specify a Payment Means for payments to Netherlands-based suppliers. |
Topic | Description |
Portugal: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Portugal: Receiver | Read about the Receiver used by this country. |
Portugal: Example Documents | Example Documents. |
Portugal: Extensions | The Extensions for this country. |
Portugal: Configurations | Configuration topics. |
Portugal: Rules | The Rules used by this country. |
Portugal: Configuration Overview
Topic | Description |
Portugal: Billing Software | In Portugal, you must identify the billing software that issued the document. |
Portugal: Invoice Type Code | Portugal requires that you use specific values for the Invoice Type Code. |
Portugal: Buyer Accounting Reference | You must specify a reference to the buyers accounts for Portuguese B2G Documents. |
Portugal: Additional Document Reference | For Portuguese B2G documents, you must attach a QR code as an additional document reference. |
Portugal: Project Reference | For Portuguese B2G documents, you are required to provide a reference to the batch that includes the various documents. |
Portugal: Payment Means Type Code | You must specify the type of payment using the Payment Means Type Code. |
Portugal: ATM Payment Entity | If the payment method is an ATM payment, you must included the ATM entity's number for B2G documents. |
Portugal: Remittance Information | You must add a reference to the payment if the payment method is ATM or DUC, for Portuguese B2G documents. |
Portugal: Tax Exchange Rate | Portuguese B2G documents require you include the tax exchange rate for foreign transactions. |
Portugal: Tax Category (Tax Exemptions) | In Portugal, you need to add a reason code and description for tax exemptions. |
Portugal: Withholding Tax Total | In some cases, you may want to model withheld tax. |
Portugal: Item Commodity Classification | The Portuguese Public Administration requires that you classify items. |
Portugal: Document Reference ID | Portugal has specific rules for references to the Commitment Document (Número do compromisso). |
Portugal: Buyer Accounting Reference (Invoice Line) | For Portuguese B2G documents, you must include the Commitment Number (Número do compromisso). |
Portugal: Invoice Line Tax Information | You can include tax information at the line level. |
Topic | Description |
Romania: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Romania: Receivers | The Receiver used by this country. |
Romania: Example Files | Example Documents. |
Romania: Required Elements | A list of the elements that are required. |
Romania: Character Restrictions | A list of elements that are restricted, for example, character limits. |
Romania: Standard Values and Attributes | A list of the standard values for elements and attributes. |
Romania: Element Hierarchy | Example hierarchies of elements for this country. |
Romania: Configuration Topics | The country-specific configurations. |
Romania: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Romania: Configuration Overview
Topic | Description |
Romania: Invoice Type Codes | You must specify the Invoice Type using the Invoice Types codes that are required by the Romanian Tax Authority. |
Romania: States (Provinces) | You must provide the State code for Romanian parties' addresses in Romanian Documents. |
Romania: City Sector | Romanian e-invoices and credit notes that contain Bucharest addresses need to specify the city sector. |
Saudi Arabia
Topic | Restriction |
Saudi Arabia: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Saudi Arabia: Receiver | Read about the Receiver used by this country. |
Saudi Arabia: Example Documents | Example Documents. |
Saudi Arabia: Configuration Overview | Configurations for this country. |
Saudi Arabia: Extensions | Extensions for this country. |
Saudi Arabia: Rules | The Rules used by this country. |
Saudi Arabia: Configuration Overview
Topic | Description |
Saudi Arabia: UUIDs | You must include UUID information for Saudi Arabian documents. |
Saudi Arabia: Invoice Type Code | You must use specific values for the InvoiceTypeCode in Saudi Arabia. |
Saudi Arabia: Invoice Subtype Code | You must specify an invoice subtype code for Saudi Arabia. |
Saudi Arabia: Supplier's Invoice Document Reference | For Saudi Arabian Credit and Debit Notes, the Document must contain an invoice reference number and a reason in a textual description. |
Saudi Arabia: Additional Supplier Identification | You can specify additional Suppliers in Saudi Arabian Documents. |
Saudi Arabia: Party's Legal Entity | You must specify a party's legal entity in Saudi Arabia. |
Saudi Arabia: Supplier's Postal Address | Saudi Arabia has specific requirements for Supplier's postal addresses. |
Saudi Arabia: Additional Buyers Identification | You can specify additional Buyers in Saudi Arabian documents. |
Saudi Arabia: Buyer's Postal Address | Saudi Arabia has specific requirements for Buyer's postal addresses. |
Saudi Arabia: Latest Delivery Date | In Saudi Arabia, you can specify dates for continuous supply. |
Saudi Arabia: Payment Means Code | You must specify the means of payment. |
Saudi Arabia: Tax Totals | Saudi Arabia has specific requirements for how tax totals are modelled. |
Saudi Arabia: Tax Categories | Saudi Arabian has specific requirements for how tax information is modelled. |
Saudi Arabia: Prepayment Amounts | For prepaid amounts in Saudi Arabia, you must model this in a specific way. |
Topic | Description |
Serbia: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Serbia: Receiver | Read about the Receiver used for this country. |
Serbia: Example Documents | Example Documents. |
Serbia: Extensions | Extensions for this country. |
Serbia: Configuration Overview | Configuration topics. |
Serbia: Rules | Rules used by this country. |
Serbia: Configuration Overview
Topic | Description |
Serbia: Invoice Type Code | You must use the values specified here for invoice types in Serbia. |
Serbia: Payment Due Date | For advanced payments in Serbia, you must specify the payment date. |
Serbia: Invoicing Period | You must specify a description for the invoicing period. |
Serbia: Buyer Reference | You must add a specific buyer reference for Documents that reference a public procurement that is not carried out by the buyer. |
Serbia: Invoice Document Reference | For final invoices and credit notes in Serbia, you must specify some details from the preceding invoice. |
Serbia: Tax Category | You must use specific values for the Tax Category and Tax Scheme IDs. |
Serbia: Tax Information (Line Level) | You must include specific tax information at the line level. |
Serbia: Advanced Payment Information | You must include specific information about any advanced payments in final invoices. |
Serbia: Reduced Tax Totals | You must include specific information to model reduced tax totals. |
Serbia: Legal Monetary Totals (for Reduced Totals) | You must include specific information about reduced totals in the Legal Monetary Totals for the final invoice. |
Serbia: Supplier's Electronic Address | You can specify the Supplier's electronic address. |
Serbia: Supplier's ID | You can add an identifier for the Supplier. |
Serbia: Supplier's Tax Scheme | You can specify the Supplier's Tax Scheme. |
Serbia: Supplier's Legal Entity | You can specify a Supplier's legal entity. |
Serbia: Buyer 's Electronic Address | You can specify the Buyer's electronic address. |
Serbia: Buyer's ID | You can add an identifier for the Buyer. |
Serbia: Buyer's Tax Scheme | You can specify the Buyer's Tax Scheme. |
Serbia: Buyer's Legal Entity | You can specify a Buyer's legal entity. |
Topic | Description |
Slovakia: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Slovakia: Receivers | The Receiver used by this country. |
Slovakia: Examples | Example Documents. |
Slovakia: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Topic | Description |
Slovenia: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Slovenia: Receiver | The Receiver used by this country. |
Slovenia: Examples | Example Documents. |
Slovenia: Rules | The Rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Topic | Description |
Spain: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Spain: Receiver | The Receiver used by this country. |
Spain: Example Documents | Example e-invoices and credit notes. |
Spain: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Topic | Description |
Sweden: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
Sweden: Receivers | The Receiver used by this country. |
Sweden: Examples | Example e-invoices and credit notes. |
Sweden: Configuration Overview | The country specific configurations. |
Sweden: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
Sweden: Configuration Overview
Topic | Description |
Sweden: Configuration Overview | Overview of the configuration topics for this country. |
Sweden: Supplier's Company IDs | For Swedish Suppliers, you can specify their Swedish VAT ID. |
Sweden: Supplier's Tax Schemes | For Swedish Suppliers, you must specify specific values for their Tax Scheme ID and Company ID. |
Sweden: Supplier's Legal Entity | The Supplier's legal entity identifies them. |
Sweden: Allowances and Charges | In Sweden, you must specify the percentage tax rate for allowances and charges. |
Sweden: Tax Categories (Document Level) | You must specify the tax rate percentage for Swedish Tax Categories at the Document level. |
Sweden: Tax Categories (Line Level) | You must specify the tax rate percentage for Swedish Tax Categories at the line level. |
Sweden: Monetary Transfer System for Credit Transfers | If you specify Credit Transfer as the Payment Means, you must specify the system used for the transfer. |
Topic | Description |
UK: Overview | Overview information for this country. |
UK: Receiver | The Receiver used by this country. |
UK: Examples | Example Documents. |
UK: Rules | The rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country. |
VRBL Reference Guide
VRBL Reference Guide
Topic | Description |
VRBL Reference Guide | Overview of the topics in the VRBL Reference Guide. |
Receivers | A list of the Receivers used by each supported country. |
Attributes | Attributes allow you to attribute a value to a key block. For example, you can use them to specify a currency for a payment key block. |
Example Documents | A list of examples for each country. |
Country Specific Configurations | A list of configurations specific to each country. |
Rules | A list of the Rules. |
VRBL Elements Reference Guide | A list of all the core VRBL elements. |
VRBL Extensions Reference Guide | A list of the Extensions of VRBL. |
VRBL Elements Reference Guide
Topic | Description |
AccountingCost | The buyer's accounting code, applied to the Invoice as a whole, expressed as text. |
AccountingCustomerParty | Use this element to model the a buyer's details. |
AccountingSupplierParty | Use this element to model the supplier's information in an invoice or credit note. |
AdditionalDocumentReference | Use this element to model references to additional documents. |
AllowanceCharge | Use the AllowanceCharge element to model allowances and charges. |
BillingReference | Use this element to model billing reference information. |
BuyerReference | A reference provided by the buyer used for internal routing of the document. |
CustomizationID | Identifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use. |
Delivery | Use the Delivery element to model delivery information. |
DeliveryTerms | A set of delivery terms associated with this document. |
DocumentCurrencyCode | A code signifying the default currency for this document. |
ID | An identifier for this document, assigned by the sender. |
Invoice | The Invoice object is the highest level object in a Document. |
InvoiceLine | Use the InvoiceLine element to model a line in an invoice. |
InvoiceNote | You can add a note to a Document. |
InvoicePeriod | Use the InvoicePeriod element to model the time during which the invoice remains valid. |
InvoiceTypeCode | A code signifying the type of the Document. |
IssueDate | The date, assigned by the sender, on which this document was issued. |
IssueTime | The time, assigned by the sender, at which this document was issued. |
Item | Items are the good or service that is sold on an invoice line or specified in a credit note. |
ItemPriceExtension | Use this to model price extensions for an item. |
LegalMonetaryTotal | Use this element to specify the legal monetary total. |
LineCountNumeric | The number of lines in the document. |
Note | Free-form text pertinent to this document, conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. |
OrderReference | Use this element to model order reference information. |
OriginatorDocumentReference | A reference to an originator document associated with this document. |
Party | The Party element models a party's details. |
PayeeParty | Use the PayeeParty element to model the payee's information. |
PaymentMeans | Use this element to model the means of payment. |
PaymentTerms | Use the PaymentTerms element to model notes about the payment. |
PrepaidPayments | Use this element to model prepaid payments. |
Price | Use the Price element to model the price of an item. |
ProjectReference | Information about a project. |
ProfileID | Identifies a user-defined profile of the customization of UBL being used. |
Shipment | Use this element to model shipping details. |
StatementDocumentReference | A reference to a Statement associated with this document. |
SellerSupplierParty | The seller. |
TaxCategory | Use this element to specify Tax Category information. |
TaxCurrencyCode | A code signifying the currency used for tax amounts in the Invoice. |
TaxExchangeRate | The exchange rate between the document currency and the tax currency. |
TaxPointDate | The date of the Invoice, used to indicate the point at which tax becomes applicable. |
TaxRepresentativeParty | The tax representative. |
TaxScheme | Use this element to model Tax Scheme information. |
TaxSubtotal | Use the Tax Subtotal object to model tax subtotals. |
TaxTotal | Use the Tax Total element to model the total amount of tax. |
UBLExtensions | A container for extensions foreign to the document. |
UBLVersionID | Identifies the earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance. |
WithholdingTaxTotal | The total withholding tax. |
VRBL Extensions Reference Guide
Updated 28 days ago