Table of Contents

Get an overview of all the topics in this Guide.

The content is divided into the following sections:

  • Getting Started: Topics to help get you started
  • API User Guide: A guide to using the Vertex e-Invoicing API
  • VRBL User Guide: A guide for using VRBL
  • VRBL Reference Guide: A reference for all the components of VRBL, such as Extensions

Getting Started

Getting started with Vertex e-Invoicing

API Authentication and AccessYou use an access token to authenticate requests. Before you do, you must ensure that you have the correct user credentials to retrieve the token.
Supported CountriesRead about the supported countries and regions.
GlossaryRead about terms that are used frequently in this documentation.
Copyright NoticeRead this copyright notice.

API User Guide

Using the Vertex e-Invoicing API

Using the Vertex e-Invoicing APIThe overview for this section.
Error HandlingInformation about error and status messages.
Send DocumentThe request that you use to send Documents to the service.
Correlation IDsThese help identify Documents for bug fixing and so on.
Get Document StatusThis request can be used to poll the processing status for a specified GUID.
API Reference GuideLists all the components of the API.

API Reference Guide

Send DocumentThe request you use to send Documents to the service.
Idempotency KeyTo prevent submitting duplicate copies of the invoice, supply a key parameter.
Get Document StatusThe request you use to retrieve the status of the processing.
Document Workflow StatusThe messages sent back by the Get Document Status request.
Get Documents from the Invoice QueueUse this request to retrieve documents to be integrated into your processing system.
Get Additional Document DataUse this request to retrieve additional raw data related to the invoice.
Mark Documents as IntegratedUse this request to mark documents as integrated.

VRBL User Guide

Modeling Documents

Basic ConceptsAn introduction to VRBL.
Document ModelingThis section contains introductory topics for high-level topics like Currencies.
VRBL: Modeling OverviewThis section contains topics that explain each element of an example VRBL Document.
PEPPOL: Modeling OverviewGet an overview of the basics of PEPPOL.
EN-16931: Modeling OverviewGet an overview of EN-16931's requirements.

VRBL Overview

Basic ConceptsOverview topic for this section.
Rules, Schematrons and ReceiversGet an overview of the components that help process Documents.
ExtensionsGet an overview of Extensions.
Example DocumentsRead the example Documents for each country.
Mandatory ElementsRead the elements that are mandatory in most countries.
Standard ValuesGet an overview of standard values.
AttributesAttributes are used to classify the values in elements.

Routing Overview

Routing OverviewOverview for this section. Routing describes the process of delivering a Document to the intended destination, based on a set of variables.
Inbound and Outbound CommunicationsCommunications can be sent to the service or sent from it to other parties.
RecipientsRead about how to configure the parties who receive Documents.
NetworksYou can use different networks to send Documents to recipients
FormatsRead about the formats that you can use.
Receiver IDsUse the Receiver ID to specify the system that receives the Documents.
Receiver DetailsIn certain use cases, you need to add some details about the recipient.
Endpoint IDsEndpoint IDs are used to identify e-invoicing systems such as buyers.
Sender IDYou must specify the Sender ID.
Specification IDsYou must include a Specification ID.
Business Process TypesThe Business Process Type helps the service process the Document.


Document-Level ElementsRead a list of elements that can be specified at the Document-level.
Line-Level ElementsRead a list of elements that can be specified at the Line-level.

Additional Documents

Additional Document ReferencesOverview topic for this section.
Additional Document Reference (URI)You may want to model references like URLs to other documents.
AttachmentsYou can attach additional documents.
Sales and Order ReferencesYou may want to add a reference to an additional document, such as a sales or order refence.
Preceding Document ReferencesYou can specify a reference to a billing related document.
Dispatch Advice ReferencesYou can reference a dispatch advice in your Document.
Receipt Advice ReferencesYou can reference a receipt advice in your Documents.
Tender or Lot ReferencesYou can model a reference to a lot or tender.
Contract ReferencesYou can add a reference to a purchasing contract in your Documents.
Project ReferencesYou can add a reference to a project to your Document.


TaxOverview topic for this section.
Tax AmountsThis topic describes how to model amounts of tax.
Tax Categories and SchemesTax Categories and Tax Schemes are used to model information about the tax being paid.
Tax Exchange RatesIf your Documents use foreign currency exchanges, you can capture this information.
Tax ExemptionsHow to model exemptions.
Withholding TaxesHow to model withheld taxes.
Tax Point DatesYou can add Tax Point date to your Documents.

Parties and Party Identifications

Parties and Party IdentificationOverview topic for this section.
SuppliersYou can model information about suppliers.
BuyersRead about how to model Buyers.
PayeesPayees are the parties who receive payments.
Tax RepresentativesYou can model Tax Representative information.
Legal Entities and RepresentativesLegal entities and representatives can be modelled for parties.
PayersYou can model payer's bank account information.
Business UnitYou can add a reference to your Business Unit to your Documents.
Company CodeYou may want to add your Company Code to Documents for accounting or other purposes.
Company IDsModel the IDs that represent companies.

Prices, Items, and Amounts

PricesHow to model the prices of items.
AmountsHow to model amounts.
ItemsHow to model items.
Item CategorizationHow to model item categorization.


CurrenciesRead about the various ways you can specify the currency in your Documents.


Payment MeansPayment means are used to pay for the goods or services specified in the invoices or in refunds specified in credit notes.
Payment TermsYou can model information about the payment terms.
Prepaid PaymentsPrepaid payments are usually made before the goods are purchased.
ChargesA Charge increases the total of the Document.
AllowancesAllowances are reductions from the total amount, such as a discount.

Delivery Information

Delivery InformationDelivery information about the delivery location and carrier can be modelled.


Belgium: OverviewOverview of information for this country.
Belgium: ReceiversThe receivers used by this country.
Belgium: Example DocumentsExample e-invoices and credit notes.
Belgium: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.


Croatia: OverviewOverview for this country.
Croatia: ReceiversThe Receivers used by this country.
Croatia: ExamplesExample Documents.
Croatia: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.


Denmark: OverviewOverview for this country.
Denmark: ReceiversThe Receivers used by this country.
Denmark: ExamplesExample Documents.
Denmark: ConfigurationsTopics describing country-specific configurations.
Denmark: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.

Denmark Configurations

Denmark: Supplier IdentificationDenmark requires that you specify an ID to identify sellers.
Denmark: Supplier's Legal EntityIf the Supplier is represented by a legal entity, you must specify it.
Denmark: Buyer IdentificationYou can specify a Buyer's ID.
Denmark: Allowances and ChargesYou can specify Allowances and Charges at the Document or Line Level.
Denmark: Payment Means CodeYou must specify the Payment Means Code.


Estonia: OverviewOverview for this country.
Estonia: ReceiversThe Receivers used by this country.
Estonia: ExamplesExample Documents.
Estonia: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.


Finland: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Finland: ReceiversThe Receivers used by this country.
Finland: ExamplesExample Documents.
Finland: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.


France: OverviewOverview information for this country.
France: ReceiversThe Receiver used by this country.
France: ExampleExample Documents.
France: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.


Germany: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Germany B2B: OverviewOverview for B2B Documents.
Germany B2G: OverviewOverview for B2G Documents.
Germany: Required ElementsA list of the elements that are required.
Germany: ExtensionsExtensions used by this country.
Germany: Standard Values and AttributesA list of the standard values for elements and attributes.
Germany: Configuration OverviewThe configurations that are specific to Germany.

Germany Configuration Overview

Germany: Configuration OverviewOverview of all topics.
Germany: Third Party PaymentsYou can specify information about third parties in German documents.
Germany: Invoice Type CodesIf a supplier is German, you must use one of the Invoice Type Codes listed here.
Germany: German Buyer Reference (Leitweg-ID)You must specify the Leitweg-ID for German Buyers in B2G Documents,
Germany: Additional DocumentsIf you attach a document using the AdditionalDocumentReference element, you must specify an ID.
Germany: Supplier Electronic AddressYou can specify an electronic address for a Supplier.
Germany: Supplier Postal AddressYou must specify a Supplier's address in Germany.
Germany: Buyer InformationYou must specify the Buyer's information for German buyers.
Germany: Delivery InformationFor German Buyers, the delivery information must include a city name and valid German post code.
Germany: Payment Means CodeYou must specify the Payment Means for German Documents.
Germany: Payment CardIf you specify one of the Payment Card codes (48, 54, or 55) as the Payment Means, you must specify the card information.
Germany: Credit TransferIf you specify Credit Transfer as the Payment Means, you must specify the Payee's bank account.
Germany: Direct DebitsIf you specify 59 for Direct Debit as the Payment Means, you must specify an ID for the Payment Mandate and Payer's bank account.
Germany: Sub-Invoice LinesThese lines are a group of recursive information elements that contains information about individual subordinate invoice line items.
Germany: Corrected InvoicesIf you specify code 384 for a corrected invoice as the Invoice Type, you must specify an ID for the referenced document.
Germany: German PayeesIf you specify code 58 for SEPA as the Payment Means and the Payee is a German account, you must specify a valid IBAN as the account's ID.
Germany: German PayersIf you specify code 59 for SEPA as the Payment Means and the Payer is a German account, you must specify a valid IBAN as the account's ID.


Greece: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Greece: ReceiversRead about the Receiver used by this country.
Greece: ExamplesExample Documents.
Greece: ExtensionsThe Extensions for this country.
Greece: Standard ValuesThe standard values for this country.
Greece: ConfigurationsConfiguration topics.
Greece: RulesThe Rules used by this country.

Greece Configuration Overview

Greece: Configuration OverviewOverview of the configuration topics for this country.
Greece: Invoice Number PatternsGreece requires that the invoice numbers that you use follow a specific pattern.
Greece: Installation Serial NumberGreece requires that you include the installation serial number in your documents.
Greece: Invoice Sub Type CodeYou must specify the type of invoice in Greece with the specified codes.
Greece: Invoice SeriesIn Greece, you must specify the Invoice Series value.
Greece: Additional Document ReferenceYou must specify the MARK number for Greek Suppliers.
Greece: Supplier InformationGreece requires specific information for Greek Suppliers.
Greece: Buyer InformationYou must include specific information for Greek Buyers.


Italy: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Italy: ReceiversThe Receiver used by this country.
Italy: Example DocumentsExample Documents.
Italy: ExtensionsExtensions used by this country.
Italy: Standard Values and AttributesA list of the standard values for elements and attributes.
Italy: Element Hierarchy ExamplesExample hierarchies for different types of Documents.
Italy: Configuration OverviewRead about the configuration for this country.
Italy: RulesThe Rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.

Italy Configuration Overview

Italy: General ConfigurationGeneral configuration topics for routing details, invoice types, and other topics.
Italy: Supplier ConfigurationsConfiguration for Suppliers.
Italy: Buyer ConfigurationConfigurations for Buyers.
Italy: Additional Document ConfigurationConfigurations for attached and referenced Documents.
Italy: Social Security and Public Entity ConfigurationsConfigurations for social security and public entities such as public investment funds.
Italy: Tax ConfigurationTax configuration topics.
Italy: Delivery and Transport ConfigurationsHow to model information relating to delivery and the transport industry.
Italy: Payment and Price ConfigurationsHow to model payment and pricing information, including allowances.

General Configuration

Italy: Transmission Format CodeYou need specify a dedicated code to represent the transaction format code.
Italy: Sdi Receiver CodeYou must specify an SDI Receiver code.
Italy: Invoice Type CodesYou must use the codes specified by the Italian Tax Authority to identify the type of invoice.
Italy: Accounting ReferenceYou can specify a code or text to identify the supplier for administrative accounting purposes.
Italy: Data TypeIf you specify N3.5 (dichiarazioni d'intento) as the DataType, you must add the DataType element.

Supplier Configuration

Italy: Supplier's Professional Register DetailsYou can specify supplier data such as a name or address.
Italy: Supplier's EORI NumberYou can include the Supplier's EORI number.
Italy: Supplier's Fiscal CodeYou can specify an Italian Supplier's Fiscal Code.
Italy: Supplier's Tax System CodeYou must specify the Supplier's Tax System Code.
Italy: Province for Supplier's BusinessYou can specify the State or Province for Italian Supplier's business.
Italy: Supplier's Base CapitalYou can specify the Supplier's registered base capital.
Italy: Supplier's Business Registration NumberYou can specify an Italian Supplier's REA number.
Italy: Supplier Sole ProprietorYou can indicate whether an Italian Supplier is a sole proprietor.
Italy: Supplier's Liquidation StatusYou can indicate a Supplier's liquidation status.
Italy: Supplier Natural PersonIf the Supplier is a person rather than a legal entity like a business, you must specify the person's details.
Italy: Supplier's Permanent Italian EstablishmentYou can specify the permanent address of a supplier who is not resident in Italy.
Italy: Supplier's Tax Representative's EORI NumberIf the Supplier's Tax Representative has an EORI number, you can specify it.
Italy: Supplier's Tax Representative's Fiscal CodeIf an Italian Supplier's Italian Tax Representative has a fiscal code, you can specify it.
Italy: Supplier's Tax Representative Natural PersonIf an Italian Supplier's Tax Representative is a person, you must specify their first and last names.
Italy: Supplier's Province or StateYou can specify an Italian supplier's province or state code.

Buyer Configuration

Italy: Buyer's EORI CodeYou can include the Buyer's EORI number.
Italy: Buyer's Fiscal CodeYou must specify a Buyers Fiscal code if you do not specify a VAT number for them.
Italy: Buyer's Postal AddressYou can specify a Buyer's state or province.
Italy: Buyer Natural PersonIf the Buyer is a person rather than a legal entity like a business, you must specify the person's details.
Italy: Buyer's Permanent Italian EstablishmentYou can specify the permanent address of a buyer who is not resident in Italy.
Italy: Buyer's Tax RepresentativeIf the Buyer has a Tax Representative and they must be present on the Document, you must specify the details.
Italy: NSO Reference for BuyersIf you want, you can specify an Nodo Smistamento Ordini (NSO) reference for a buyer.
Italy: Buyer Accounting ReferenceYou can specify a reference to the Buyer's financial accounts.

Additional Document Configuration

Italy: Agreement NumberYou can specify the framework agreement number.
Italy: Document ReferenceIf a Document references multiple other Documents, you can reference these on the invoice line level.
Italy: AttachmentsYou can use these elements to attach files.
Italy: Invoice Reference NumberWhen you send an adjustment e-invoice or a credit note, you must reference the previous invoice.
Italy: Tender or Lot ReferenceYou can specify a reference to a tender or lot.
Italy: Progress Stage Reference NumberYou can specify a reference to the state or stage of progression to which this Document refers.

Social Security Configuration

Italy: Article 73 IndicatorIf Article 73 applies, you can indicate it.
Italy: Digital StampsIf you want, you can indicate if a digital stamp is present.
Italy: Project ReferenceYou can specify a code to represent public investment funds.
Italy: Social Security Base AmountIf a social security allowance exists, you can specify the base amount.
Italy: Social Security Administration ReferenceYou can specify the Administration Reference for social security related allowances.
Italy: Social Security Withholding IndicatorYou can specify if a social security allowance is subject to withholding.
Italy: Social Security Tax Exemption ReasonIf a tax exemption exists for a social security allowance, you must specify the reason for the exemption.
Italy: Social Security Tax RateIf a social security allowance exists, you must specify the tax rate.
Italy: Social Security Contribution AmountIf a social security allowance includes a contribution, you must specify the amount of the contribution.
Italy: Social Security Contribution PercentageIf a social security allowance includes a percentage contribution to a fund, you must specify the percentage.
Italy: Social Security Charge CodeIf a social security allowance charge applies, you must specify VRBL:IT:ZZZ as the reason code.
Italy: Social Security Organization CodeWhen social security charges are applied, you must specify the Social Security Organization's code.

Tax Configuration

Italy: Incidental CostsIf incidental costs related to the tax rate exist, you can specify them.
Italy: Withholding Tax Type CodeIf tax is withheld, you must specify the details.
Italy: VAT MechanismYou can specify the mechanism of payment for VAT.
Italy: Tax Exemption ReasonYou can specify a free text description for a tax exemption.
Italy: Tax Exemption Reason CodeIf no tax is applied, you must specify a reason.
Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code (Invoice Lines)You can specify Tax Exemption Reason Code on the invoice line level.

Delivery Configuration

Italy: Vehicle DetailsYou can specify details about vehicle registration and the distance covered.
Italy: Transport Invoice ReferenceYou can specify a reference to an invoice related to transportation.
Italy: Delivery LocationYou can specify the address that goods are sent to.
Italy: Carrier's EORI CodeYou can specify the Carrier's EORI code.
Italy: Carrier's Driver's License IDYou can specify the Carrier's driving license.
Italy: Carrier's Fiscal CodeYou can specify the Carrier's Fiscal code.

Payment and Price Configuration

Italy: Payee DataYou can specify the details of the person who confirms a payment in Italy.
Italy: Payment Terms CodeYou must specify the Payment Terms code.
Italy: Penalty Start DateYou can specify the start date for any penalties.
Italy: Early Payment End DateYou can specify the end date for early payment discounts.
Italy: Payment Terms Start DateYou can specify the start date of any payment terms.
Italy: Payment Reason CodeIf a Document contains a payment, you must specify a reason code.
Italy: Rounding AmountIf you use Rounding, you must specify it.
Italy: Transfer or Service Type CodeIf a a discount, bonus, rebate, or an incidental expense applies, you must specify a transfer or service type code.
Italy: Unit Price AllowanceYou can specify an allowance that is applied to the unit price on the line-item level.
Italy: Item Gross PriceYou can specify an item's gross price on each invoice line.


Japan: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Japan: ReceiverRead about the Receiver used by this country.
Japan: Example DocumentsExample Documents.
Japan: ConfigurationsRead about the configurations used by this country.
Japan: RulesRead about the Rules used by this country.

Japan Configuration Overview

Japan: Configuration OverviewOverview of the configuration topics for this country.
Japan: Invoice Type CodesIn Japan, you must use one of the allowed invoice type codes to specify the type of document.
Japan: Tax Accounting CurrencyIf you specify a currency other than JPY in the DocumentCurrencyCode element, you must specify JPY in the TaxCurrencyCode element.
Japan: Invoice Document ReferenceFor Japanese correction invoices, you must specify the preceding invoice number and issue date.
Japan: Supplier's Tax SchemeDepending on the type of invoice, you are required to include or exclude the S.
Japan: Allowances and Charges (Document Level)In Japan, you must include tax details that relate to allowances and charges.
Japan: Tax AmountsJapan has certain requirements for how tax amounts are modelled.
Japan: Tax CategoryIn Japan, you must include certain Tax Category information.
Japan: Invoiced Quantity for ReturnsIn Japan, returns must have a negative value for the invoice quantity.
Japan: Invoice Line Net Amount for ReturnsFor Japanese returns, you must specify a negative amount for the InvoiceLineExtension element.
Japan: Line Level Tax InformationIn Japan, you must specify certain tax information for each InvoiceLine element.
Japan: Item Names for Summary InvoicesFor summary invoices, you may need to include the delivery note number.
Japan: Line Level Document ReferenceFor summary invoices, you can specify the delivery note number.


Lithuania: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Lithuania: ReceiverThe Receiver used by this country.
Lithuania: ExamplesA list of the elements that are required.
Lithuania: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.


Malaysia: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Malaysia: ReceiverThe Receiver used for this country.
Malaysia: Example FilesExample Documents.
Malaysia: Required ElementsA list of the elements that are required.
Malaysia: RestrictionsA list of elements that are restricted, for example, character limits.
Malaysia: Standard Values and AttributesA list of the standard values for elements and attributes.
Malaysia: Element HierarchyExample hierarchies of elements for this country.
Malaysia: Configuration OverviewThe country-specific configurations for Malaysia.
Malaysia: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.

Malaysia: Configuration Overview

Malaysia: Configuration OverviewOverview of the different configuration topics for Malaysia.
Malaysia: General ConfigurationTopics that are relevant for general configuration of things like the Invoice Type Codes, TTN IDs, Incoterms for deliveries and so on
Malaysia: Supplier ConfigurationSupplier configurations.
Malaysia: Additional Document ConfigurationInformation about modelling additional documents for Malaysia.
Malaysia: Tax ConfigurationInformation about modelling modelling tax for Malaysia.

Malaysia: General Configuration

Malaysia: General ConfigurationTopics covering general configuration for Malaysia.
Malaysia: Original e-Invoice ReferenceIf your e-invoice or credit note references an original e-invoice, Malaysia requires that you reference the original invoice in any credit, debit, or refund note.
Malaysia: Invoice Type CodeYou must provide an Invoice Type code in Malaysia.
Malaysia: StatesMalaysia requires that you include the code for the State for addresses within the country.
Malaysia: Product CategorizationMalaysia has specific requirement for how you categorize products.
Malaysia: Business Registration Number (BRN)You must use a BRN for any Malaysian business specified in the e-invoice or credit note.
Malaysia: IncotermIncoterms are required for applicable Malaysian Documents.
Malaysia: Payment MeansIf you want, you can specify the means of payment, such as a credit card.

Malaysia: Supplier Configuration

Malaysia: Supplier ConfigurationOverview of Supplier related configurations.
Malaysia: Supplier's Billing Reference NumberYou may want to specify a Supplier's internal reference number.
Malaysia: Supplier's CertEX Authorization NumberAn Authorization Number for Certified Exporter (CertEX) indicates that the supplier is an certified exporter in Malaysia.
Malaysia: Supplier's Standard Industrial Classification Code (MSIC)You musty specify an industrial classification code and descriptions for goods on Malaysian invoices.
Malaysia: Supplier's Phone NumberYou must add the Supplier's phone number to your Malaysian Documents.

Malaysia: Additional Document Configuration

Malaysia: Additional Document ConfigurationOverview of configurations for additional documents.
Malaysia: Customs Form Reference NumberYou are required to reference any Custom's Forms in applicable Documents.
Malaysia: K2 FormsIf applicable, you are required to specify the Customs Form No.2 (K2) number.
Malaysia: Free Trade Agreement (FTA)If applicable, you must specify any Free Trade Agreement (FTA) information.

Malaysia: Tax Configuration

Malaysia: Tax ConfigurationOverview of tax related configurations.
Malaysia: Tourism Tax Registration Number (TTRN)The Tourism Tax Registration Number (TTRN) identifies a part as a participant in the Tourism Tax (TT) scheme in Malaysia.
Malaysia: Sales and Service Tax (SST) Registration NumberThe SST number identifies a participant in the Malaysian Sales and Service Tax (SST) scheme.
Malaysia: Tax Identification Number (TIN)You must include a TIN in your invoices and credit notes.
Malaysia: Tax CategoriesYou must specify Malaysian Tax Category information.
Malaysia: Tax for Foreign Currency TransactionsIf the DocumentCurrencyCode is different from the TaxCurrencyCode, you need to specify the exchange rate.
Malaysia: Tax Totals (Document)Read about how to model tax totals at the Document level.
Malaysia: Tax Totals (Line)You must add the Tax Amount and the Taxable amount for each line in your Malaysian e-invoices and credit notes.


Netherlands: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Netherlands: ReceiverThe Receiver used by this country.
Netherlands: ExamplesExample Documents.
Netherlands: Standard ValuesStandard values used in this country.
Netherlands: Configuration OverviewCountry-specific configurations.
Netherlands: RulesThe Rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.

Netherlands: Configuration Overview

Netherlands: Configuration OverviewOverview of the configuration topics for this country.
Netherlands: Invoice ReferenceYou must reference the preceding invoice in the subsequent credit note.
Netherlands: Order Line ReferencesRead about how to reference other lines in Dutch Documents.
Netherlands: Supplier's Postal AddressYou must specify the address of Netherlands-based suppliers.
Netherlands: Supplier's Legal EntityYou must specify the Supplier's legal entity for Dutch Documents.
Netherlands: Supplier's Tax Representative Postal AddressYou must specify the Supplier's Tax Representative's postal address.
Netherlands: Buyer Postal AddressYou must specify the address for Netherlands-based Buyers.
Netherlands: Buyer's Legal EntityYou must specify the legal entity for Netherlands-based buyers.
Netherlands: Payment MeansYou must specify a Payment Means for payments to Netherlands-based suppliers.


Portugal: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Portugal: ReceiverRead about the Receiver used by this country.
Portugal: Example DocumentsExample Documents.
Portugal: ExtensionsThe Extensions for this country.
Portugal: ConfigurationsConfiguration topics.
Portugal: RulesThe Rules used by this country.

Portugal: Configuration Overview

Portugal: Billing SoftwareIn Portugal, you must identify the billing software that issued the document.
Portugal: Invoice Type CodePortugal requires that you use specific values for the Invoice Type Code.
Portugal: Buyer Accounting ReferenceYou must specify a reference to the buyers accounts for Portuguese B2G Documents.
Portugal: Additional Document ReferenceFor Portuguese B2G documents, you must attach a QR code as an additional document reference.
Portugal: Project ReferenceFor Portuguese B2G documents, you are required to provide a reference to the batch that includes the various documents.
Portugal: Payment Means Type CodeYou must specify the type of payment using the Payment Means Type Code.
Portugal: ATM Payment EntityIf the payment method is an ATM payment, you must included the ATM entity's number for B2G documents.
Portugal: Remittance InformationYou must add a reference to the payment if the payment method is ATM or DUC, for Portuguese B2G documents.
Portugal: Tax Exchange RatePortuguese B2G documents require you include the tax exchange rate for foreign transactions.
Portugal: Tax Category (Tax Exemptions)In Portugal, you need to add a reason code and description for tax exemptions.
Portugal: Withholding Tax TotalIn some cases, you may want to model withheld tax.
Portugal: Item Commodity ClassificationThe Portuguese Public Administration requires that you classify items.
Portugal: Document Reference IDPortugal has specific rules for references to the Commitment Document (Número do compromisso).
Portugal: Buyer Accounting Reference (Invoice Line)For Portuguese B2G documents, you must include the Commitment Number (Número do compromisso).
Portugal: Invoice Line Tax InformationYou can include tax information at the line level.


Romania: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Romania: ReceiversThe Receiver used by this country.
Romania: Example FilesExample Documents.
Romania: Required ElementsA list of the elements that are required.
Romania: Character RestrictionsA list of elements that are restricted, for example, character limits.
Romania: Standard Values and AttributesA list of the standard values for elements and attributes.
Romania: Element HierarchyExample hierarchies of elements for this country.
Romania: Configuration TopicsThe country-specific configurations.
Romania: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.

Romania: Configuration Overview

Romania: Invoice Type CodesYou must specify the Invoice Type using the Invoice Types codes that are required by the Romanian Tax Authority.
Romania: States (Provinces)You must provide the State code for Romanian parties' addresses in Romanian Documents.
Romania: City SectorRomanian e-invoices and credit notes that contain Bucharest addresses need to specify the city sector.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Saudi Arabia: ReceiverRead about the Receiver used by this country.
Saudi Arabia: Example DocumentsExample Documents.
Saudi Arabia: Configuration OverviewConfigurations for this country.
Saudi Arabia: ExtensionsExtensions for this country.
Saudi Arabia: RulesThe Rules used by this country.

Saudi Arabia: Configuration Overview

Saudi Arabia: UUIDsYou must include UUID information for Saudi Arabian documents.
Saudi Arabia: Invoice Type CodeYou must use specific values for the InvoiceTypeCode in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia: Invoice Subtype CodeYou must specify an invoice subtype code for Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia: Supplier's Invoice Document ReferenceFor Saudi Arabian Credit and Debit Notes, the Document must contain an invoice reference number and a reason in a textual description.
Saudi Arabia: Additional Supplier IdentificationYou can specify additional Suppliers in Saudi Arabian Documents.
Saudi Arabia: Party's Legal EntityYou must specify a party's legal entity in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia: Supplier's Postal AddressSaudi Arabia has specific requirements for Supplier's postal addresses.
Saudi Arabia: Additional Buyers IdentificationYou can specify additional Buyers in Saudi Arabian documents.
Saudi Arabia: Buyer's Postal AddressSaudi Arabia has specific requirements for Buyer's postal addresses.
Saudi Arabia: Latest Delivery DateIn Saudi Arabia, you can specify dates for continuous supply.
Saudi Arabia: Payment Means CodeYou must specify the means of payment.
Saudi Arabia: Tax TotalsSaudi Arabia has specific requirements for how tax totals are modelled.
Saudi Arabia: Tax CategoriesSaudi Arabian has specific requirements for how tax information is modelled.
Saudi Arabia: Prepayment AmountsFor prepaid amounts in Saudi Arabia, you must model this in a specific way.


Serbia: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Serbia: ReceiverRead about the Receiver used for this country.
Serbia: Example DocumentsExample Documents.
Serbia: ExtensionsExtensions for this country.
Serbia: Configuration OverviewConfiguration topics.
Serbia: RulesRules used by this country.

Serbia: Configuration Overview

Serbia: Invoice Type CodeYou must use the values specified here for invoice types in Serbia.
Serbia: Payment Due DateFor advanced payments in Serbia, you must specify the payment date.
Serbia: Invoicing PeriodYou must specify a description for the invoicing period.
Serbia: Buyer ReferenceYou must add a specific buyer reference for Documents that reference a public procurement that is not carried out by the buyer.
Serbia: Invoice Document ReferenceFor final invoices and credit notes in Serbia, you must specify some details from the preceding invoice.
Serbia: Tax CategoryYou must use specific values for the Tax Category and Tax Scheme IDs.
Serbia: Tax Information (Line Level)You must include specific tax information at the line level.
Serbia: Advanced Payment InformationYou must include specific information about any advanced payments in final invoices.
Serbia: Reduced Tax TotalsYou must include specific information to model reduced tax totals.
Serbia: Legal Monetary Totals (for Reduced Totals)You must include specific information about reduced totals in the Legal Monetary Totals for the final invoice.
Serbia: Supplier's Electronic AddressYou can specify the Supplier's electronic address.
Serbia: Supplier's IDYou can add an identifier for the Supplier.
Serbia: Supplier's Tax SchemeYou can specify the Supplier's Tax Scheme.
Serbia: Supplier's Legal EntityYou can specify a Supplier's legal entity.
Serbia: Buyer 's Electronic AddressYou can specify the Buyer's electronic address.
Serbia: Buyer's IDYou can add an identifier for the Buyer.
Serbia: Buyer's Tax SchemeYou can specify the Buyer's Tax Scheme.
Serbia: Buyer's Legal EntityYou can specify a Buyer's legal entity.


Slovakia: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Slovakia: ReceiversThe Receiver used by this country.
Slovakia: ExamplesExample Documents.
Slovakia: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.


Slovenia: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Slovenia: ReceiverThe Receiver used by this country.
Slovenia: ExamplesExample Documents.
Slovenia: RulesThe Rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.


Spain: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Spain: ReceiverThe Receiver used by this country.
Spain: Example DocumentsExample e-invoices and credit notes.
Spain: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.


Sweden: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Sweden: ReceiversThe Receiver used by this country.
Sweden: ExamplesExample e-invoices and credit notes.
Sweden: Configuration OverviewThe country specific configurations.
Sweden: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.

Sweden: Configuration Overview

Sweden: Configuration OverviewOverview of the configuration topics for this country.
Sweden: Supplier's Company IDsFor Swedish Suppliers, you can specify their Swedish VAT ID.
Sweden: Supplier's Tax SchemesFor Swedish Suppliers, you must specify specific values for their Tax Scheme ID and Company ID.
Sweden: Supplier's Legal EntityThe Supplier's legal entity identifies them.
Sweden: Allowances and ChargesIn Sweden, you must specify the percentage tax rate for allowances and charges.
Sweden: Tax Categories (Document Level)You must specify the tax rate percentage for Swedish Tax Categories at the Document level.
Sweden: Tax Categories (Line Level)You must specify the tax rate percentage for Swedish Tax Categories at the line level.
Sweden: Monetary Transfer System for Credit TransfersIf you specify Credit Transfer as the Payment Means, you must specify the system used for the transfer.


UK: OverviewOverview information for this country.
UK: ReceiverThe Receiver used by this country.
UK: ExamplesExample Documents.
UK: RulesThe rules that govern the processing of the Documents for this country.

VRBL Reference Guide

VRBL Reference Guide

VRBL Reference GuideOverview of the topics in the VRBL Reference Guide.
ReceiversA list of the Receivers used by each supported country.
AttributesAttributes allow you to attribute a value to a key block. For example, you can use them to specify a currency for a payment key block.
Example DocumentsA list of examples for each country.
Country Specific ConfigurationsA list of configurations specific to each country.
RulesA list of the Rules.
VRBL Elements Reference GuideA list of all the core VRBL elements.
VRBL Extensions Reference GuideA list of the Extensions of VRBL.

VRBL Elements Reference Guide

AccountingCostThe buyer's accounting code, applied to the Invoice as a whole, expressed as text.
AccountingCustomerPartyUse this element to model the a buyer's details.
AccountingSupplierPartyUse this element to model the supplier's information in an invoice or credit note.
AdditionalDocumentReferenceUse this element to model references to additional documents.
AllowanceChargeUse the AllowanceCharge element to model allowances and charges.
BillingReferenceUse this element to model billing reference information.
BuyerReferenceA reference provided by the buyer used for internal routing of the document.
CustomizationIDIdentifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use.
DeliveryUse the Delivery element to model delivery information.
DeliveryTermsA set of delivery terms associated with this document.
DocumentCurrencyCodeA code signifying the default currency for this document.
IDAn identifier for this document, assigned by the sender.
InvoiceThe Invoice object is the highest level object in a Document.
InvoiceLineUse the InvoiceLine element to model a line in an invoice.
InvoiceNoteYou can add a note to a Document.
InvoicePeriodUse the InvoicePeriod element to model the time during which the invoice remains valid.
InvoiceTypeCodeA code signifying the type of the Document.
IssueDateThe date, assigned by the sender, on which this document was issued.
IssueTimeThe time, assigned by the sender, at which this document was issued.
ItemItems are the good or service that is sold on an invoice line or specified in a credit note.
ItemPriceExtensionUse this to model price extensions for an item.
LegalMonetaryTotalUse this element to specify the legal monetary total.
LineCountNumericThe number of lines in the document.
NoteFree-form text pertinent to this document, conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
OrderReferenceUse this element to model order reference information.
OriginatorDocumentReferenceA reference to an originator document associated with this document.
PartyThe Party element models a party's details.
PayeePartyUse the PayeeParty element to model the payee's information.
PaymentMeansUse this element to model the means of payment.
PaymentTermsUse the PaymentTerms element to model notes about the payment.
PrepaidPaymentsUse this element to model prepaid payments.
PriceUse the Price element to model the price of an item.
ProjectReferenceInformation about a project.
ProfileIDIdentifies a user-defined profile of the customization of UBL being used.
ShipmentUse this element to model shipping details.
StatementDocumentReferenceA reference to a Statement associated with this document.
SellerSupplierPartyThe seller.
TaxCategoryUse this element to specify Tax Category information.
TaxCurrencyCodeA code signifying the currency used for tax amounts in the Invoice.
TaxExchangeRateThe exchange rate between the document currency and the tax currency.
TaxPointDateThe date of the Invoice, used to indicate the point at which tax becomes applicable.
TaxRepresentativePartyThe tax representative.
TaxSchemeUse this element to model Tax Scheme information.
TaxSubtotalUse the Tax Subtotal object to model tax subtotals.
TaxTotalUse the Tax Total element to model the total amount of tax.
UBLExtensionsA container for extensions foreign to the document.
UBLVersionIDIdentifies the earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance.
WithholdingTaxTotalThe total withholding tax.

VRBL Extensions Reference Guide

AccountingSupplierPartyExtension (Extn)ProfessionalRegister (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details
AdditionalData (Extn)DataType (Extn)Italy: Data Type
Description (Extn)Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code (Invoice Lines) and Italy: Data Type
ReferenceDate (Extn)Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code (Invoice Lines) and Italy: Data Type
ReferenceNumber (Extn)Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code (Invoice Lines) and Italy: Data Type
AllowanceChargeExtension (Extn)AdministrationReferenceCode (Extn)- Italy: Social Security Administration Reference - Italy: Withholding Tax Type Code - Italy: Social Security Organization Code
OrganisationCode (Extn)Italy: Social Security Organization Code
WithholdingIndicator (Extn)Italy: Social Security Withholding Indicator
BillingSoftware (Extn)Description (Extn)Portugal: Billing Software
HashCode (Extn)Portugal: Billing Software
Number (Extn)Portugal: Billing Software
DocumentReferenceExtension (Extn)LineID (Extn)Portugal: Document Reference ID
InvoiceExtension (Extn)Article73Indicator (Extn)Italy: Article 73 Indicator
BillingSoftware (Extn)Portugal: Billing Software
DigitalStampAmount (Extn)Italy: Digital Stamps
DigitalStampIndicator (Extn)Italy: Digital Stamps
InstallationSerialNumber (Extn)Greece: Installation Serial Number
InvoicedPrepaymentAmount (Extn)Serbia: Advanced Payment Information
InvoiceSeries (Extn)Greece: Invoice Series
InvoiceSubtypeCode (Extn)Greece: Invoice Sub Type Code Saudi Arabia: Invoice Subtype Code
ReducedTotals (Extn)Serbia: Reduced Tax Totals
RoutingDetails (Extn)Receiver ID
Sender ID
SdIReceiverCode (Extn)Italy: SDI Receiver Code
ThirdPartyPayment (Extn)Germany: Third Party Payments
TransmissionFormatCode (Extn)Italy: Transmission Format Code
VehicleDetails (Extn)Italy: Vehicle Details
InvoiceLineExtension (Extn)AdditionalData (Extn)Italy: Data Type
Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code (Invoice Lines)
TransferOrServiceTypeCode (Extn)Italy: Transfer or Service Type Code
WithholdingIndicator (Extn)Italy: Social Security Withholding Indicator
InvoicedPrepaymentAmount (Extn)ID (Extn)Serbia: Advanced Payment Information
TaxTotal (Extn)Serbia: Advanced Payment Information
PartyLegalEntityExtension (Extn)BaseCapital (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Base Capital
BusinessRegistrationProvinceCode (Extn)Italy: Province for Supplier's Business
PayeePartyExtension (Extn)PersonConfirmingPayment (Extn)Italy: Payee Data
PaymentMeansExtension (Extn)ATMPaymentEntity (Extn)Portugal: ATM Payment Entity
PaymentTermsExtension (Extn)PaymentTermsCode (Extn)Italy: Payment Terms Code
PaymentTermsStartDate (Extn)Italy: Payment Terms Start Date
PersonConfirmingPayment (Extn)FamilyName (Extn)Italy: Payee Data
FirstName (Extn)Italy: Payee Data
FiscalCode (Extn)Italy: Payee Data
Title (Extn)Italy: Payee Data
PriceExtension (Extn)PriceAmountBeforeAllowanceCharge (Extn)Italy: Item Gross Price
ProcessDetails (Extn)BusinessUnit (Extn)Business Unit
CompanyCode (Extn)Company Code
ProfessionalRegister (Extn)CountrySubentity (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details
ID (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details
Name (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details
RegistrationDate (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details
ReducedTotals (Extn)LegalMonetaryTotal (Extn)Serbia: Legal Monetary Totals (for Reduced Totals)
TaxTotal (Extn)Serbia: Reduced Tax Totals
RoutingDetails (Extn)Sender (Extn)Sender ID
Receiver (Extn)Receiver ID
ReceiverDetails (Extn)Receiver ID
TaxSubtotalExtension (Extn)IncidentalCosts (Extn)Italy: Incidental Costs
RoundingAmount (Extn)Italy: Rounding Amount
VatMechanism (Extn)Italy: VAT Mechanism
VehicleDetails (Extn)FirstRegistrationDate (Extn)Italy: Vehicle Details
TotalDistanceCovered (Extn)Italy: Vehicle Details
WithholdingTaxTotalExtension (Extn)PaymentReasonCode (Extn) - Italy: Payment Reason Code - Italy: Withholding Tax Type Code - Portugal: Withholding Tax Total
TypeCode (Extn)Italy: Withholding Tax Type Code