Get Document Status

Use this request to retrieve a document's status.

To retrieve the Document's status, use the GET method and the following URL:{documentId}


{documentId} is the identifier for the document as returned in the response to the original document request.


API Reference TopicGet Document Status

Request parameter

The following parameter can be specified in requests:

documentIdGUIDThe GUID of the document for which you want to view the status. Required.

Response output

documentIdGUIDThe GUID of the document you requested to view the status of.
Document NumberStringThe logical invoice number from within the invoice body.
Issue DateDateTimeThe issue date time from the invoice body.
SenderStringThe Sender from the VRBL header.
ReceiverStringThe Receiver from the VRBL header.
Is IntegratedBooleanThe current state of the integration flag.
StatusStatusCodeThe document workflow status as listed in Document Workflow Status.
Transmission DirectionStringIndicates the direction of invoice transmission. Possible values include:
• Send
• Receive
Transmission DateTimeDateTimeThe timestamp at which the invoice was transmitted to Vertex e-Invoicing.
ErrorDetailsObjectAn object providing structured details about any errors encountered in document processing.
EndpointsObjectAn object providing structured information about the routing information for the document.